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Reseach Article

SHA-3 Blake Finalist on Hardware Architecture of ARM Cortex A8 Processor

by Gurpreet Singh, Rajeev Sobti
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 123 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Gurpreet Singh, Rajeev Sobti

Gurpreet Singh, Rajeev Sobti . SHA-3 Blake Finalist on Hardware Architecture of ARM Cortex A8 Processor. International Journal of Computer Applications. 123, 13 ( August 2015), 22-27. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015905583

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Information is an asset in today’s life. Internet plays major role for sharing the information between two parties. To protect the information from attacks there exist several algorithms. Cryptographic hash functions are the one that is used for the purpose of modern security. In mobile computing, portables devices are used to share information. Most of portable devices are based on ARM processors. In this work, a BLAKE algorithm from SHA-3 finalists is selected for analysis on ARM Cortex A8 Processor. BLAKE is a hash function selected by NIST in SHA-3 competition. Many factors need to be considered such as utilization of memories ROM or RAM, power consumption and cycles required for particular algorithm. In this paper, the objective is to compare the performance of all variants of BLAKE in terms of cycles required on ARM Cortex A8.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cryptography Hash functions SHA-3 BLAKE ARM11 ARM Cortex A8.