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Earnest Access of Divulging and Aversion of DDOS Attack

by A.R. Sathyabama, C.M. Nalayini, S. Priyadharshini
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 123 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: A.R. Sathyabama, C.M. Nalayini, S. Priyadharshini

A.R. Sathyabama, C.M. Nalayini, S. Priyadharshini . Earnest Access of Divulging and Aversion of DDOS Attack. International Journal of Computer Applications. 123, 11 ( August 2015), 18-21. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015905588

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In recent days, technology has reached new heights. In the same way malicious programs has also touched the level of sky and the above. Secret information are nowadays stored and managed through high secure sites. However, critical problems like hacking happens due to DDOS(Distributed Denial of Service Attacks) resulting in crashing of website for certain period of time and hacking of sensitive information thereby affecting the services issued. Such problems can be sorted by the scope of MASTDP (Multiple Authenticated Scoring Technique for denial and prevention of DDOS attacks). In this technique, internet protocol address and physical address of the users are entered and stored in the history and scores will be allotted for each and every entry. Similarly, horizontal and vertical communication scoring are given for every entry based on the vulnerability of the user (using scores). At-last, by association rule, users with peak scores are denied entry from the network or site.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Association rule DDOS attacks MASTDP IP tracer Scoring technique