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Evaluation of Hybrid Topologies under Mobility of ZigBee Devices using Different Trajectories

by Ranjeet Singh, Jaswinder Kaur, Inderjeet Singh Gill
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 122 - Number 20
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Ranjeet Singh, Jaswinder Kaur, Inderjeet Singh Gill

Ranjeet Singh, Jaswinder Kaur, Inderjeet Singh Gill . Evaluation of Hybrid Topologies under Mobility of ZigBee Devices using Different Trajectories. International Journal of Computer Applications. 122, 20 ( July 2015), 8-13. DOI=10.5120/21814-5142

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Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is mostly used in real time applications, like as automobile traffic control, military purpose, medical area and environment examination. ZigBee is a Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) based on IEEE 802. 15. 4 wireless protocol. ZigBee gives short distance communication with low data rate, low power consumption and low complexity. In this paper the performance of hybrid topology is analyzed with OPNET Modeler 14. 5 under the mobility of ZigBee End Devices (ZEDs) and ZigBee Coordinators (ZCs) using different trajectories in terms of load, traffic received and data drop. The Results show that when ZEDs and ZCs are move, the Mesh-Tree hybrid topology and Star-Tree hybrid topology gives best performance respectively. We also found that the performance of wireless sensor network for inner square and circle trajectories is superior to outer square trajectory.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


WSN ZigBee OPNET Modeler Mobility Trajectory.