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A Research Paper on College Management System

by Lalit Mohan Joshi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 122 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Lalit Mohan Joshi

Lalit Mohan Joshi . A Research Paper on College Management System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 122, 11 ( July 2015), 32-44. DOI=10.5120/21747-5003

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This paper is aimed at developing an Online Intranet College Management System (CMS) that is of importance to either an educational institution or a college. The system (CMS) is an Intranet based application that can be accessed throughout the institution or a specified department. This system may be used for monitoring attendence for the college. Students as well as staffs logging in may also access or can be search any of the information regarding college. Attendance of the staff and students as well as marks of the students will be updated by staff. This system (C. M. S ) is being developed for an engineering college to maintain and facilitate easy access to information. For this the users must be registered with the system after which they can access as well as modify data as per the permissions given to them. CMS is an intranet based application that aims at providing information to all the levels of management with in an organization. This system can be used as a knowledge/information management system for the college. For a given student/staff (technical/Non-technical) can access the system to either upload or download some information from the database.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


College Management System