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Reseach Article

A Study of Various Static and Dynamic Metrics for Open Source Software

by Ankush Vesra, Rahul
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 122 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Ankush Vesra, Rahul

Ankush Vesra, Rahul . A Study of Various Static and Dynamic Metrics for Open Source Software. International Journal of Computer Applications. 122, 10 ( July 2015), 17-21. DOI=10.5120/21736-4927

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Software metrics is developed and utilized by the different software organizations for evaluating and assuring software code quality, operation, and maintenance. Software metrics measure various kinds of software complexity like size metrics, control flow metrics and data flow metrics. These software complexities must certainly be continuously calculated, followed, and controlled. Among the main objectives of software metrics is that pertains to a procedure and product metrics. It is definitely considered that high level of complexity in a component is bad compared to a low level of complexity in a module. Software metrics may be used in various phases of software development lifecycle. In this paper, a survey on various software metrics has been done. Moreover they are categorized into static and dynamic metrics. The paper ends with in conclusion and the near future scope to overcome some issues for the software metrics.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Software Metrics Static Metrics Dynamic Metrics.