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Reseach Article

Study on Effect of MRI Scanner on Brain Tumour Detection

by Vandana Shah, Vijay Chourasia, R.v.skhirsagar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 121 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Vandana Shah, Vijay Chourasia, R.v.skhirsagar

Vandana Shah, Vijay Chourasia, R.v.skhirsagar . Study on Effect of MRI Scanner on Brain Tumour Detection. International Journal of Computer Applications. 121, 4 ( July 2015), 33-37. DOI=10.5120/21531-4527

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Now a day the technology took the paradigm shift in the area of medical field. It is now easy to diagnose the biological problems through different medical devices like CT scan, MRI, and X-rays etc. Tumor is an uncontrolled development of tissues in any piece of the body. Mind tumor is naturally genuine and life-debilitating due to its character in the constrained space of the intracranial hole. By and large, CT output or MRI that is coordinated into intracranial depression delivers a complete picture of cerebrum and this picture is outwardly analyzed by the doctor for identification and determination of mind tumor. In India 1. 5 to 3 Tesla scanners are mostly used. But both have different Magnetic field effect. Because of the the different strength of Magnetic field there is a possibility of noise present in the image. This can create problem in detection of the accurate determination of location and size of tumor. Hiding patient information for further analysis is also very crucial for the confidentiality. security algorithm takes care for the hidden system and analysis of the patient. The survey identifies the efficient algorithm for finding the accurate tumor and also identifies its normality.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


MRI image Tesla Discrete Wavelet Transform Neural Network