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A Study on Smartphone based Operating System

by Kiran Bala, Sumit Sharma, Gurpreet Kaur
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 121 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Kiran Bala, Sumit Sharma, Gurpreet Kaur

Kiran Bala, Sumit Sharma, Gurpreet Kaur . A Study on Smartphone based Operating System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 121, 1 ( July 2015), 17-22. DOI=10.5120/21504-4351

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At present there are many mobile phones operating systems available in the market but mobile phones with android OS have now become domestic product which was once extravagant product. The reason towards this change is attributed to its varied functionality, ease of use and utility. There are number of tasks performed on it like making call, sending or receiving SMS, music, billing, online shopping, online booking, playing games, web browsing, using different apps like whatsapp, facebook or Applock etc. Hence a large amount of user sensitive data is stored within the devices [1]. Increased usage of smartphone has led towards higher concerns about security of user- private data. Due to android as an open source mobile platform, user can easily install third party applications from markets and even from unreliable sources [2]. Thus, Android devices are a soft target for privacy intrusion. Whenever the user wants to install any application, firstly it's the description and the application screenshots which provides an insight into its utility. The user reviews the description as well as a list of permission requests before its installation. As the types and rate of malicious attacks increases, the difficulty of examining in advance whether an app is malicious or not through its descriptions has increased manifolds. In this paper we have reviewed and examined android software stack and compared smartphone based operating system like android, iOS, blackberry, Symbian, windows phone, webOS, Ubuntu and firefox.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Android software architecture android iOS Symbian blackberry windows phone webOS Ubuntu Firefox Android Security.