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Identifying SOA Security Threats using Web Mining

by Mohamed Ibrahim B, Mohamed Shanavas A R
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 120 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Mohamed Ibrahim B, Mohamed Shanavas A R

Mohamed Ibrahim B, Mohamed Shanavas A R . Identifying SOA Security Threats using Web Mining. International Journal of Computer Applications. 120, 4 ( June 2015), 8-14. DOI=10.5120/21214-3929

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The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) became a dominant paradigm for enterprise computing. The web services are the implementation of SOA that works for heterogeneous platforms as they use common Internet protocols for communication and simple text format such as XML for data representation. The basic SOA architecture does not contain any security solution within it and the security is applied to SOA as an ad-hoc manner and also it depends on the internal architecture of the security products. There is no comprehensive security solution is achieved yet for SOA. This paper identifies the SOA security threats using the data mining technique –web mining. At the end of this paper, a customizable security solution for SOA in the form of framework is presented.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


SOA Security Web Services SOAP Data Mining Web Mining WSDL REFTful Web Services