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De-duplication Approaches in Cloud Computing Environment: A Survey

by Fatemeh Shieh, Mostafa Ghobaei Arani, Mahboubeh Shamsi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 120 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Fatemeh Shieh, Mostafa Ghobaei Arani, Mahboubeh Shamsi

Fatemeh Shieh, Mostafa Ghobaei Arani, Mahboubeh Shamsi . De-duplication Approaches in Cloud Computing Environment: A Survey. International Journal of Computer Applications. 120, 13 ( June 2015), 6-10. DOI=10.5120/21285-4233

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Nowadays increasing the data storage capacity is one of the important challenges, due to the more demands for using cloud services. There have been offered several approaches to identify and remove duplicated data in virtual machines prior to sending their data to a shared storage resource. Therefore method of storage information should be efficient also the method of finding data should be intelligent as much as possible. However, there is no approach among various storing data approaches, to be absolutely expected to have the best performance in the use of bandwidth for storage. One of the useful strategies to have fast and efficient data storage is de-duplication. In this paper, we will address various de-duplication approaches and consider advantages and disadvantages of them.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud computing Virtual machine Data storage system De-duplication.