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Performance Analysis of CSMA/CA in Wireless Local Area Network

by Muhammad Younus, A.k.m Fazlul Haque, Md. Zahirul Islam
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 120 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Muhammad Younus, A.k.m Fazlul Haque, Md. Zahirul Islam

Muhammad Younus, A.k.m Fazlul Haque, Md. Zahirul Islam . Performance Analysis of CSMA/CA in Wireless Local Area Network. International Journal of Computer Applications. 120, 10 ( June 2015), 43-48. DOI=10.5120/21266-3870

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title = { Performance Analysis of CSMA/CA in Wireless Local Area Network },
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%A Muhammad Younus
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%A Md. Zahirul Islam
%T Performance Analysis of CSMA/CA in Wireless Local Area Network
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With the rapid advance of mobile computing, high speed Wireless Local Area Networks (LAN) attracts a lot of research interests in recent years. A new international stander IEEE 802. 11 on wireless LAN has been established. Its physical transmission is realized by either spread spectrum communication or non-directive infrared. The medium access control of IEEE 802. 11 is using carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) as the basic level access. Continuing from the study of, we shall analyze IEEE 802. 11 CSMA/CA performance with or without RTS/CTS in this paper. We have improved the simulation by including RTS/CTS exchanges, which is part of the CSMA/CA protocol. Using this methodology, we hoped to increase the number of successful transmissions and decrease the number of collisions within the WLAN. This particular aspect of the simulation is demonstrated in the Analysis section of this work. Additionally, the simulation makes sure that once an RTS/CTS handshake is completed; all other nodes not included in the data exchange remain silent. This is done to prevent nodes from getting into a continuous cycle of RTS/CTS exchanges.

  1. ANSI/IEEE Standard 802. 11. Piscataway, NJ: LAN MAN society, IEEE Computer Society. Copyright 1999. Available online http://standards. ieee. org/reading/ieee/std/lanman/802. 11-1999. pdf
  2. Li, Keyong and Sherzai, Mohammed. Wireless MAC 802. 11. Unpublished work, Final paper for SC 546, Fall 2001. Available online at http://courseinfo. bu. edu/courses/02fallengsc546_a1/coursedocuments/a349b830b c631d6136de00600832de87/paper/final paper. doc .
  3. IEEE 802. 11 WG, "Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications," IEEE Std. 802. 11, 1999
  4. IEEE 802. 11 WG,"Part 11: wireless LAN medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications: medium access control (MAC) quality of service (QoS) enhancements," IEEE 802. 11e D8. 0, Feb. 2004.
  5. Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance, Available online at http://www2. cs. uidaho. edu/~oman/SC&CI/CSMA-CA-collisions_Bonaventure. pdf
  6. Wireless LAN Networking White Paper. http://support. usr. com/download/whitepapers/wireless-wp. pdf (for CSMA/CA)
  7. Working principle of CSMA/CA. http://ilovewifi. blogspot. com/2012/08/how-80211-csmaca-works. html (working principle of CSMA/CA)
  8. Throughput Modelling and Fairness Issues In CSMA/CA Based Ad-Hoc Networks. By Xin Wang and Koushik Kar. http://www. ecse. rpi. edu/homepages/koushik/mypapers/infocom05-csma. pdf
  9. CSMA/CA https://www. google. com. bd/search?q=+CSMA/CA&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org. mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&gws_rd=cr&ei=d8OtU9WAJ9WMuATltoKoCw CSMA/CA
  10. C. H. Yeh, "A collision-controlled MAC protocol for mobile adhoc networks and multihop wireless LANs" to be appeared in Proceeding of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2004.
  11. Source URL: https://scm. info. ucl. ac. be/release/cnp3/Book/0. 2/html/lan/lan. html#carrier-sense-multiple-access-with-collision Avoidance.
  12. CS402: COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKShttp://www. saylor. org/courses/cs402(Computer Science 402)
  13. Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY)specifications: Amendment: ESS Mesh networking. IEEE P802. 11s/D1. 00(Nov. 2006).
  14. Sunday, N. (2008). Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN): Security Risk Assessment and Countermeasures. Blekinge Institute of Technology School of Engineering, (August).
  15. C. H. Yeh, "A collision-controlled MAC protocol for mobile adhoc networks and multihop wireless LANs" to be appeared in Proceeding of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2004.
  16. S. Ray, J. B. Carruthers, and D. Starobinski, "RTS/CTS-induced congestion in ad hoc wireless LANs", WCNC, 2003.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


IEEE 802. 11 CTS/RTS