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Article:Performance Enhancement of Identification System using Vein Biometric with Modified Run Length Encoding, Stegnography and Cryptography

by Madhumita Kathuria
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 12 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Madhumita Kathuria

Madhumita Kathuria . Article:Performance Enhancement of Identification System using Vein Biometric with Modified Run Length Encoding, Stegnography and Cryptography. International Journal of Computer Applications. 12, 8 ( December 2010), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/1702-2237

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A biometric is defined as a unique, measurable, biological characteristic or trait for automatically recognizing or verifying the identity of a human being. Statistically analyzing these biological characteristics has become known as the science of biometrics. These days, biometric technologies are typically used to analyze human characteristics for security purposes. In this paper we describe a method for integrating together cryptography and steganography through image processing. In particular, we present a system able to perform steganography and cryptography at the same time using images as cover objects for steganography and as keys for cryptography. In this paper we will present some schemes for strengthening personal authentication over insecure channels with biometric concepts or how to securely transfer or use vein biometric characteristics. Our concept can be applied on any biometric authentication scheme and is universal for all systems

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Biometric Template Compression Steganography Cryptography Preprocessing