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Article:Interoperability between Semantic Web Layers: A Communicating Agent Approach

by Rajiv Pandey, Dr.Sanjay Dwivedi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 12 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Rajiv Pandey, Dr.Sanjay Dwivedi

Rajiv Pandey, Dr.Sanjay Dwivedi . Article:Interoperability between Semantic Web Layers: A Communicating Agent Approach. International Journal of Computer Applications. 12, 3 ( December 2010), 28-32. DOI=10.5120/1658-2233

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The WWW (World Wide Web) containing volumes of web documents developed in HTML and other markup languages does provides us feature of browsing through interlinked documents and exploring the entire WWW. However the entire WWW is appropriate for human consumption, but the other associated features need the WEB to be made Semantic where the web documents are interpreted by the machines and thus minimizing the need for human intervention. Addressing the above need Tim Berners-Lee and W3C consortium has suggested a layered architecture .This paper proposes to critically evaluate the functional aspects of the Semantic Web Layered cake and suggests inclusion of an interface layer to interchange data in an interoperable format amongst the layers of the Semantic Layered cake.

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  2. Berners-Lee T.,Hendler J.And Lassila O. The semantic Web.The scientific American,Vol.5(1) 2001. URL :http//www.
  3. Tim Berners-Lee. URL:http//,Washington Dc,2000. Last visited 25/7/2008
  4. Tim Berners-Lee. The Semantic Web and challenges,2003.URL: Last visited 2/8/2008
  5. Tim Berners-Lee. Web for Real people. URL: Last visited on 7/7/2008
  6. Tim Berners-Lee. Artificial Intelligence and the Semantic Web, 2006. URL:
  7. Gerber A.,Barnard A. and Van Der Merve. Design and Evaluation Criteria for Layered architectures.In MSVVEIS workshop hosted at the 8th international Conference on Enterprise Information Systems,Paphos,Cyprus 2006 .pp. 163-172
  8. Gerber A.,Barnard A. and Van Der Merve “Towards a Semantic Web layered Architecture” 2007
  9. URL:
  10. URL: for layer definition
  11. Haytam T.Al-feel,magdy Koutb,Hoda suoror. “ Semantic Web on Scope: a new architectural model for the Semantic web”, Journal of Computer Science 4(7):613-624,2008
  12. Dr Brian Matthews report on “Semantic Web Technologies,JISC Technology and Standards Watch.” 2005 , URL:
  13. Paulo Pinheiro da Silva,Deborah L. McGuinness,and Richard E. Fikes. “A Proof Markup Language for Semantic Web Services.” Technical report KSL-04-01.Knowledge Systems Laboratory,Stanford university
  14. Ontology Definition Metamodel –OMG adopted Specification.ptc/06-10-11 dated October 2006
  15. 2 Web Ontology Language Primer W3C Proposed Recommendation 22 September 2009
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Computer Science
Information Sciences


Semantic Web Layered architecture Semantic Web RDF (Resource Descriptive Framework)