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Voltage Collapse Enhancement and Loss Reduction by Reactive Power Reserve

by A.Subramanian, Dr. G.Ravi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 12 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: A.Subramanian, Dr. G.Ravi

A.Subramanian, Dr. G.Ravi . Voltage Collapse Enhancement and Loss Reduction by Reactive Power Reserve. International Journal of Computer Applications. 12, 12 ( January 2011), 32-42. DOI=10.5120/1735-2356

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Now a day modern power industry is facing the problem of voltage instability due to stressed conditions and heavy load .The main cause for the voltage instability is the in sufficient reactive power at the load buses of the system. This paper deals with the problem of reactive power reserve management and voltage collapse point enhancement and loss reduction. Simulation is performed on the IEEE30 and 57 bus systems under Neuton Rapson (NR) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) methods. Additional reactive power injected by the optimally placed FACTS device (SVC) in the load bus reduced the reactive power generation of the generators and decreased the losses. The reduced reactive power generation of the generators increased the reactive power reserve management and enhanced the voltage collapse point. It is visible from the result that the optimal sizing and positioning of SVC in the PSO method is improving the reactive power reserve and enhances the voltage collapse point in a better level com-paratively NR method.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Voltage Instability Voltage Collapse Maximum loadability point FACTS Devices Reactive power reserve PSO NR