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Multi-level Secure Architecture with Authentication and Message Encryption for MESHNET Security

by Gunjan Bhatnagar, Mandeep Singh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 119 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Gunjan Bhatnagar, Mandeep Singh

Gunjan Bhatnagar, Mandeep Singh . Multi-level Secure Architecture with Authentication and Message Encryption for MESHNET Security. International Journal of Computer Applications. 119, 5 ( June 2015), 33-35. DOI=10.5120/21066-3735

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In cellular networks, the data traffic generated by users is becoming more challenging as the network is overloaded and not secured. The three algorithms are used to manage the two networks i. e. 3G networks and Wi-Fi network in the previous research work are Heuristic, Greedy and the Random. The existing scheme used the IPSec for the authentication purpose, hence prone to various types of the security attacks. In the proposed scenario, it is proposing a security mechanism for data offloading mechanism for the secure exchange of data. The proposed model will also use the Multi-level secure authentication for the user & the data privacy and the integrity in the environment of MESHNET. The proposed security architecture includes the RSA encryption with the multi-variate key exchange scheme, which ensures the secure data exchange on the higher data transfer rate. This will reduces the load from the cellular networks in the real time applications. The performance of the proposed model would be tested with the various parameters like the throughput, the transmission delay, the probability of the detection, and probability of the false alarm, etc.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


MESHNET security Mobile data offloading security Mobile Wi-Fi data offloading RSA encryption authentication.