International Journal of Computer Applications |
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA |
Volume 119 - Number 22 |
Year of Publication: 2015 |
Authors: Mowafak Hassan Abdul-hussin |
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Mowafak Hassan Abdul-hussin . Flexible Manufacturing System Design and Optimization using Petri Net-based Elementary Siphons. International Journal of Computer Applications. 119, 22 ( June 2015), 19-26. DOI=10.5120/21369-4408
A computer simulation system, which is based-siphon Petri net for control of concurrent processes of the reusable resources, that is mainly aimed to provide guidelines for control and management engineering of flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) is presented in this work. We present an important technique for the analysis of siphon Petri net (PN) based on structural analysis, control, and simulation of the reachability tree used PN-tool with MATLAB. We are representing the deadlock prevention problem, which can be solved using the concept of Petri nets based siphons. Structural deadlock prevention is presenting for supervisors a class of FMS in simulating the system behaviour and elementary siphons control rule's inference. We are recovering the satiation of the liveness system from the consequence of analysis net by adding control place (monitor). Our experiment, a few monitors is added to the net for every minimal siphon taken from the consequence of the siphon in order to be liveness (i. e. deadlock-freeness), proposing extensions of the structural analysis of Petri nets, where deadlocks are regarding to the unmarked siphons. The siphon is recognized in the structural analysis of PN and can be used to control deadlocks in resource systems modelled.