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Barcode based Student Attendance System

by K.lakshmi Sudha, Shirish Shinde, Titus Thomas, Aris Abdugani
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 119 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: K.lakshmi Sudha, Shirish Shinde, Titus Thomas, Aris Abdugani

K.lakshmi Sudha, Shirish Shinde, Titus Thomas, Aris Abdugani . Barcode based Student Attendance System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 119, 2 ( June 2015), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/21036-3147

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title = { Barcode based Student Attendance System },
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Student attendance play significant role in order to justify academic outcome of a student and college as overall. Unfortunately, there is no automated attendance record keeping application available in colleges. There is a need for a tool to systematically keep the students attendance record due to increasing number of college students The project that we are going to make is to help the teachers in our college to avoid maintaining the registry book. This project uses a barcode scanner. B. B. S. A. S uses Barcode scanner to take the attendance of students entering the lab. Each student's ID card will have a barcode at the back side of it. This barcode contains unique data of the student such as roll number, branch and year. Etc. Student will scan their barcode at the end so that the student can't cheat. The display screen will show the attendance of the particular student after scanning his/her barcode. Teachers and administrator will only have access to the system with their respective login ID's and passwords.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Login Id Defaulter Barcode Lab