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Hybrid Scheduling for Heterogeneous Asymmetric Mobile Communication

by R.kavitha, M.v.ramana Murthy, Mahaboob Sharief Shaik
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 119 - Number 19
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: R.kavitha, M.v.ramana Murthy, Mahaboob Sharief Shaik

R.kavitha, M.v.ramana Murthy, Mahaboob Sharief Shaik . Hybrid Scheduling for Heterogeneous Asymmetric Mobile Communication. International Journal of Computer Applications. 119, 19 ( June 2015), 36-39. DOI=10.5120/21179-4204

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Rapid development in wireless communication technology has paved a path for the increase in mobile users to access the information from anywhere and at anytime. Data broadcasting plays a vital role in asymmetrical communication environment. Here server disseminates the information required by the mobile users at a faster rate as the bandwidth of the downlink channel is much more than the uplink. In data broadcasting, the mobile users put their request for the required data item and continuously listen for the response upon the channel from the server. In order to save the precious battery power of the mobile clients it should be that they have to be served quickly by the server. That is the access time of the requested data item should be minimized. This paper focus on the lengths of the data items which uses stretch as the metric to devise a server broadcasting algorithm in order to achieve optimal results. Simulation results are obtained to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Access time Hashing Hybrid push-pull model Multiple channels