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Multinovel Class Detection in the Data Stream Classification by using SVM

by Chaitrali Chavan, Vinod Wadne
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 119 - Number 19
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Chaitrali Chavan, Vinod Wadne

Chaitrali Chavan, Vinod Wadne . Multinovel Class Detection in the Data Stream Classification by using SVM. International Journal of Computer Applications. 119, 19 ( June 2015), 1-3. DOI=10.5120/21172-3950

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author = { Chaitrali Chavan, Vinod Wadne },
title = { Multinovel Class Detection in the Data Stream Classification by using SVM },
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issue_date = { June 2015 },
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%T Multinovel Class Detection in the Data Stream Classification by using SVM
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There are many challenges which community faces In Data Mining, concerning with the data stream categorization. The four different issue of categorization viz. infinite length, concept drift, concept, development feature, development. Due to infinite length of data, it is impossible to store and use the traditional data. Many researchers focus on the issues of all of the four challenges for data stream categorization. In this system novel class are detected by using the Gini coefficient method and outliers are detected by using the adaptive threshold method. We used SVM method for detecting the multi novel class detection. In the present system data are divided into fixed sized of chunks for classifying the stream instances, because of this system fail to capture the concept drift immediately. That's why solution of this method to the change point detection method which are trying to determine the chunk size dynamically on the data stream. The computational complexity is improved by clustering algorithm the performance is checked of the system by using the forest outlier dataset.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Classification Novel class detection clustering algorithm