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Cloud Computing Security Aspects, Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures

by Sarang V. Hatwar, R. K. Chavan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 119 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Sarang V. Hatwar, R. K. Chavan

Sarang V. Hatwar, R. K. Chavan . Cloud Computing Security Aspects, Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures. International Journal of Computer Applications. 119, 17 ( June 2015), 46-53. DOI=10.5120/21163-4218

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Security issue in cloud computing is an active area of research. Thousands of users are connecting to a cloud daily for their day to day work. Unfortunately they are ignorant about the risk involved while doing transactions on the internet. End user systems as well as cloud based data centers must be able to overcome the threats due to Viruses, Trojan and Malware etc. This paper highlights the major security threats in cloud computing system and introduce the most suitable countermeasures for these threats. Threats are classified according to different perspectives, providing a list of threats. In this article some effective countermeasures are enlisted and discussed.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud computing security vulnerabilities/threats and countermeasures.