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Evaluating the Performance Estimators via Machine Learning Supervised Learning Algorithms for Dataset Threshold

by Warda Imtiaz, Humaraia Abdul Ghafoor, Rabeea Sehar, Tahira Mahboob, Memoona Khanum
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 119 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Warda Imtiaz, Humaraia Abdul Ghafoor, Rabeea Sehar, Tahira Mahboob, Memoona Khanum

Warda Imtiaz, Humaraia Abdul Ghafoor, Rabeea Sehar, Tahira Mahboob, Memoona Khanum . Evaluating the Performance Estimators via Machine Learning Supervised Learning Algorithms for Dataset Threshold. International Journal of Computer Applications. 119, 14 ( June 2015), 1-6. DOI=10.5120/21132-4059

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%A Rabeea Sehar
%A Tahira Mahboob
%A Memoona Khanum
%T Evaluating the Performance Estimators via Machine Learning Supervised Learning Algorithms for Dataset Threshold
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Framework for user modeling is represented that is useful for both supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques which will reduce the cost of development that is typically related to the knowledge-based approaches of machine learning for supervised approaches and user modeling that is basically required for the handling of the label-data. Experimental data is used for Research in bioinformatics. Vast amounts of experimental data populate the Current biological databases. Bioinformatics uses the machine learning concepts and has attained a lot of success in this research field. We focus on semi-surprised framework which incorporates labeled and unlabeled data in the general-purpose learner. Some of transfer graph, learning algorithms and the standard methods that include support vector machines and as a special case the regularized least squares can be obtained. We can use properties of reproducing the kernel Hilbert space to prove the new. Represented theorems provide the theoretical base for algorithms.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Supervised and Unsupervised machine learning intelligent analysis of data techniques of data mining evaluation of performance bioinformatics ensemble methods User modeling eye-tracking graph transduction and semi-supervised learning.