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Voice Controlled BOEbot using PointBug Algorithm for Human Robot Interaction using Android Technology

by Nupur Choudhury, Chingtham Tejbanta Singh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 119 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Nupur Choudhury, Chingtham Tejbanta Singh

Nupur Choudhury, Chingtham Tejbanta Singh . Voice Controlled BOEbot using PointBug Algorithm for Human Robot Interaction using Android Technology. International Journal of Computer Applications. 119, 13 ( June 2015), 7-13. DOI=10.5120/21125-3705

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This paper deals with the research that led to the development of a robotic guide or a robot which would act as an aid for the aged category of the society. The robot is developed in such a way that it can be controlled and maneuvered by any device that is capable of supporting an android operating system. The user will be able to send the voice instructions using an android application which will be received via the Bluetooth module in the robots chassis and finally the instructions will be executed. The route map will be fed into the robot in the form of instructions that would follow a certain path and hence would be able to reach the target location detecting and avoiding all the obstacles through the infrared sensors that might be in the way to reach the destination. The project also gives an idea of the bug family algorithm, the PointBug algorithm that has been implemented for local path planning and obstacle detection and avoidance. The entire project is developed in such a way that the various compatibility constraints can be met with a wide variety of smart equipment that includes a smart phone, a tablet or a laptop etc. that holds the capability of supporting an android operating system in its architecture.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


BOEbot infrared sensors QTI sensors route map Google Voice to Text API Speech Recognition RFID Bluetooth PointBug Algorithm