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Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks based on Clustering Techniques

by Kiranjit Kaur, Sandeep Waraich
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 119 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Kiranjit Kaur, Sandeep Waraich

Kiranjit Kaur, Sandeep Waraich . Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks based on Clustering Techniques. International Journal of Computer Applications. 119, 11 ( June 2015), 8-11. DOI=10.5120/21109-3880

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title = { Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks based on Clustering Techniques },
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In WSNs, Energy is a scarcest resource of sensor nodes and it determines the lifetime of sensor nodes. These are battery powered sensor nodes. These small batteries have limited power and also may not easily rechargeable or removable. Long communication distance between sensors and a sink can greatly drain the energy of sensors and reduce the lifetime of a network. In WSNs, energy is a big factor to be considered. Various techniques are used to optimize energy level of sensor nodes of WSN. We will make a review of some of these wireless sensor network techniques which are used recently and are helpful in improving energy efficiency of wireless sensor nodes.

  1. D. Sharmila, R. Sujitha & G. Rajkumar "On Improving the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks Using Virtual Scheduling Backbone Replacement" Proceedings of 2013 IEEE Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT 2013).
  2. M. Akilandeswari & Umarani Srikanth "Metaheuristic Approach for Maximizing the Lifetime of Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks "International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI -2012).
  3. Gao Qiang,Zuo Yi,Zhang Jun, and Peng Xiao-Hong "Improving Energy Efficiency in a Wireless Sensor Network by Combining Cooperative MIMO With Data Aggregation" (IEEE Transactions On Vehicular Technology), Vol. 59, No. 8, October 2010.
  4. Nguyen Diep N. and Krunz Marwan "A Cooperative Clustering Protocol for Energy Constrained Networks" (IEEE), 2011.
  5. Wang Sheng-Shih, Chen Hung-Chang, Chen Ze-Ping " An Energy and Link Efficient Clustering Technique for Reliable Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks"(IEEE), 2012.
  6. Karimi Mohammad, Naji Hamid Reza and Golestani Shahrzad ," Optimizing Cluster-Head selection in Wireless Sensor Networks using Genetic Algorithm and Harmony Search Algorithm", (IEEE(20th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, (ICEE2012)), May 15-17,2012, Tehran, Iran.
  7. Mathapati Basavaraj S. , Patil Dr. Siddarama. R. , Mytri Dr. V D. "Energy Efficient Cluster based Mobility Prediction for Wireless Sensor Networks" (IEEE International Conference on Circuits, Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT)), 2013.
  8. Tuah Norah, Ismail Mahamood and Haron Ahmad Razani, "Energy Consumption and Lifetime Analysis for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network" (IEEE), 2013 Tencon – Spring.
  9. Mathapati Basavaraj S. , Patil Dr. Siddarama. R. , Mytri Dr. V D. "Energy Efficient Cluster based Mobility Prediction for Wireless Sensor Networks" (IEEE (International Conference on Circuits, Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT)), 2013.
  10. Brahim Elbhiri, Sanaa El Fkihi, Rachid Saadane "A New Spectral Classification for Robust Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks" IFIP WMNC'2013.
  11. Syed Jawad Ali and Partha Roy, Energy Saving Methods in Wireless Sensor Networks, IDE0814, May 2008.
  12. Mohit Saini and Rakesh Kumar Saini, Solution of Energy-Efficiency of sensor nodes in Wireless sensor Networks, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013.
  13. A Tutorial on Clustering Algorithms. http://home. deib. polimi. it/matteucc/Clustering/tutorial_html/
  14. Vural, Serdar, PirabakaranNavaratnam, Ning Wang, and Rahim Tafazolli. "Asynchronous clustering of multihop Wireless Sensor Networks. " In Communications (ICC), 2014 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 472-477. IEEE, 2014.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


WSNs batteries sensor nodes communication cluster energy efficient