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A Secured Data Transmission Method using Enhanced Proactive Secret Sharing Scheme to Prevent Blackhole Attack in Manets- A Review

by Jasmeen Kaur, Tanupreet Singh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 119 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Jasmeen Kaur, Tanupreet Singh

Jasmeen Kaur, Tanupreet Singh . A Secured Data Transmission Method using Enhanced Proactive Secret Sharing Scheme to Prevent Blackhole Attack in Manets- A Review. International Journal of Computer Applications. 119, 10 ( June 2015), 20-28. DOI=10.5120/21104-3827

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Mobile Ad Hoc Networks are the collection of Self-organizing, Independent nodes that can interact with one another by creating radio network. In multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks, the nodes not in direct range rely/dependent upon intermediate nodes to interact. For securing its limited resources or to organize Denial of Service (DoS) attack, the middle node for instance the intermediary node drops all the packets going through it instead to forward them to its Descendant. This review paper can deal with the misbehavior called Blackhole Attack which is one of the Security Attacks and occurs in the Network Layer. Nodes interact with each other without any access point. It is a Dynamic network having the capabilities of real time network. Due to mobility of nodes network is easily affected by many types of attacks. In particular Blackhole attack the it can cause packet dropping and misrouting the information from source to destination. To reduce the impact of this attack, the new approach has been proposed i. e. New Enhanced Proactive Secret Sharing Scheme (NEPSSS) to detect the Blackhole nodes and to verify the Data Authenticity, Data Confidentiality and Data Integrity. This proposed algorithm divided into two phases. The first phase is the Detection of Blackhole Attack achieved using Trust Active and Recommendation of the Nodes. In the second phase the New Proactive Secret Sharing Scheme is used to provide the data authenticity and data integrity. The simulation results shows that the proposed algorithm achieves the better packet delivery ratio, misbehavior detection efficiency, fewer packet overhead and low end to end delay than the existing schemes.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


MANET Blackhole Attack AOMDV Proactive Secret Sharing Scheme Public Key Private Key