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An Android based Application for Determine a Specialized Hospital Nearest to Patient's Location

by Muhammad Wasim Munir, Syed Muhammad Omair, M.Zeeshan Ul Haque
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 118 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Muhammad Wasim Munir, Syed Muhammad Omair, M.Zeeshan Ul Haque

Muhammad Wasim Munir, Syed Muhammad Omair, M.Zeeshan Ul Haque . An Android based Application for Determine a Specialized Hospital Nearest to Patient's Location. International Journal of Computer Applications. 118, 9 ( May 2015), 43-46. DOI=10.5120/20776-3316

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title = { An Android based Application for Determine a Specialized Hospital Nearest to Patient's Location },
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issue_date = { May 2015 },
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Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are commonly using in healthcare organizations worldwide. The android operating system (AOS) based electronic devices such as Smartphones and computer tablets are extensively used for many purposes like instant messaging, gaming, word processing, Internet and download number of applications online. A rapid growth of android phones has enabled to replace PC's software and other licensed software development technologies. There are different kinds of healthcare applications developed in android Smartphones which help patients and their caregivers to reduce time and cost efficiency. In this research work, an application is developed that locates the nearest hospital about five km radius with the desired medical specialist. The nearest position of hospitals is calculated with a built-in feature of Global Positioning System (GPS) in Smartphones and finds the route from their current location through Google Map application Program Interfaces (API). An informative survey of different hospitals in Karachi is conducted to obtain an accurate list of doctors available in each hospital. With the help of this application, a patient can find the nearest hospital according to specialized consultant availability. A comprehensive profile of doctor and hospital is available in the application including the website, mailing addresses and contact numbers.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


ICT in Healthcare Smartphone application Google MAP M-Health