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HOP-by-HOP Packet Forwarding Mechanism in Wireless Mesh Network

by V.v Dodtale, B.m Patil
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 118 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: V.v Dodtale, B.m Patil

V.v Dodtale, B.m Patil . HOP-by-HOP Packet Forwarding Mechanism in Wireless Mesh Network. International Journal of Computer Applications. 118, 9 ( May 2015), 37-42. DOI=10.5120/20775-3289

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title = { HOP-by-HOP Packet Forwarding Mechanism in Wireless Mesh Network },
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issue_date = { May 2015 },
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%T HOP-by-HOP Packet Forwarding Mechanism in Wireless Mesh Network
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

A Wireless Mesh Network is infrastructure-less, "Self organizing & Self configured" network where participating node automatically establish & maintain connectivity amongst themselves. Such type of networks difficult to provide internet access and connection in remote areas. In literature lot of methods are proposed in order to handle problem in this network but in recent year we found expected transmission count metric and composite available bandwidth hop-by-hop routing mechanism. In this paper we compare these two methods i. e. expected transmission count metric (ETX) and new path weight called composite available bandwidth (CAB) method which captures the available path bandwidth information. Composite available bandwidth has good performance in terms of high throughput path and low packet delay. The simulation experiment shows that composite available bandwidth method is better in terms of delay, packet delivery ratio, throughput of flows.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Wireless Mesh Network Routing metrics i. e. ETX CAB Routing protocol.