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A Brief Review on Dynamic Reliable Location Aware Routing Protocols for Mobile Wireless Sensor Network

by Simerjeet, Navpreet Kaur
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 118 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Simerjeet, Navpreet Kaur

Simerjeet, Navpreet Kaur . A Brief Review on Dynamic Reliable Location Aware Routing Protocols for Mobile Wireless Sensor Network. International Journal of Computer Applications. 118, 4 ( May 2015), 10-13. DOI=10.5120/20732-3107

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Energy efficiency, network lifetime, data transmission, end-to-end delay and reliable routing protocols for mobility centric are the major parameters used for wireless sensor network (WSN), and are maintained by various of protocols. Existing cluster-based mobile routing protocols such as LEACH, LEACH-Mobile, LEACH-Mobile Enhanced, CBR-Mobile, LFCP-MWSN consider energy efficiency of sensor node. These protocols allocate the extra timeslots using time division multiple access (TDMA) scheme to accommodate nodes that enter a cluster because of mobility and thus increase the end-to-end delay. In this paper we discussed the various protocols such as LEACH, LEACH-M, LEACH-ME, DSC, CBR-M, LFCP-MWSN. The results revealed that that LFCP-MWSN protocol is more efficient in terms of energy consumptions, network lifetime and data transmissions than those of the existing LEACH-M and LEACH-ME protocols.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


LEACH Clustering Methods Wireless Sensor Network(WSN).