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Reseach Article

Web Services: Past, Present and Future

by Sunny Kumar, Sanjeev Srivastava, Amandeep Singh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 118 - Number 19
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Sunny Kumar, Sanjeev Srivastava, Amandeep Singh

Sunny Kumar, Sanjeev Srivastava, Amandeep Singh . Web Services: Past, Present and Future. International Journal of Computer Applications. 118, 19 ( May 2015), 9-13. DOI=10.5120/20851-3254

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title = { Web Services: Past, Present and Future },
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In recent times, Web services have gained an amazing fascinates in both distributors as well as scientists. Web services permit accessibility to data that has formerly been locked within corporate and business systems and easily accessible only by using custom-made software . Web solutions, predicated on pre-existing Internet protocols and open guidelines, may offer an adaptable solution to the dilemma of application incorporation. With the support concerning WSDL, SOAP, and UDDI, Web services are growing to be prominent in Web applications. However, the current Web services architectures are challenged with just a few stubborn difficulties, as an instance, security. In this paper, we shall give an overview of these hassles. We feel that fixing these issues will end up imperative to success of Web services. The rest of the paper gives information about the three main technologies applied in association with Web Services: SOAP,WSDL, and UDDI.

  1. SOAP Version 1. 2 Part 0: Primer. Basic Usage Scenarios. http://www. w3. org/TR/2003/REC-soap12-part0-20030624/#L1161.
  2. Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 1. 2 Part 1: Core Language: http://www. w3. org/TR/2003/WD-wsdl12-20030611/.
  3. UDDI Version 3. 0. UDDI Spec Technical Committee Specification, 19 July 2002 http://uddi. org/pubs/uddi-v3. 00-published-20020719. htm.
  4. Francisco Curbera, Matthew Duftler, Rania Khalaf, William Nagy, Nirmal Mukhi, and Sanjiva Weerawarana , Unraveling the Web Services Web, IEEE Internet Computing, March/April (2002) 86-93. .
  5. D. Fensel, C. Bussle, Web Services Modeling Framework, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 1(2002)113–137
  6. Francisco Curbera, Matthew Duftler, Rania Khalaf, William Nagy, Nirmal Mukhi, and Sanjiva Weerawarana, Unraveling the Web Services Web, IEEE Internet Computing, March/April (2002) 86-93
  7. V. Richard Benjamins, Web Services Solve Problems, and Problem-Solving Methods Provide Services, IEEE Intelligent Systems, January/February (2003) 76-77
  8. Christoph Bussler, Alexander Maedche, Dieter Fensel, Web Services: Quo Vadis? IEEE Intelligent Systems, January/February (2003)80-82
  9. Hartwig Gunzer, Sales Engineer, Borland,Introduction to Web Services
  10. Stefan Decker, Sergey Melnik, Frank Van Harmelen, Dieter Fensel, Michel Klein, Jeen Broekstra, Michael Erdmann and Ian Horrocks, The Semantic Web: The Roles of XML and RDF, IEEE Internet Computing , September • October 2000,63-74
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Web services Security Composition Semantics Grid services.