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Cloud Computing Framework for E-Health in Ghana: Adoption Issues and Strategies: Case Study of Ghana Health Service

by Adu Adolph Sedem Yaw, Frimpong Twum, J. B. Hayfron-acquah, Joseph K. Panford
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 118 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Adu Adolph Sedem Yaw, Frimpong Twum, J. B. Hayfron-acquah, Joseph K. Panford

Adu Adolph Sedem Yaw, Frimpong Twum, J. B. Hayfron-acquah, Joseph K. Panford . Cloud Computing Framework for E-Health in Ghana: Adoption Issues and Strategies: Case Study of Ghana Health Service. International Journal of Computer Applications. 118, 17 ( May 2015), 13-17. DOI=10.5120/20836-3545

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Healthcare professionals do not always have all the information they require and at the time when it is most needed to make rapid patient-care decisions. Also healthcare services are still being provided using manual tools and technologies. The adoption of current technologies such as Cloud Computing provides an avenue to overcome these challenges. This paper therefore measures the ICT awareness of stakeholders in healthcare while also providing an evidence of the possibility of cloud implementation by Ghana Health Services (GHS) in relation to the ICT awareness of stakeholders. It also provides a framework for a cloud based E-Health adoption by the GHS.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud computing E-Health Adoption Issues and Strategies Adoption Framework Ghana Health Service GHS.