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Balancing Query Performance and Security on Relational Cloud Database: An Architecture

by A.a. Obiniyi, Rosemary M. Dzer, S.e. Abdullahi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 118 - Number 15
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: A.a. Obiniyi, Rosemary M. Dzer, S.e. Abdullahi

A.a. Obiniyi, Rosemary M. Dzer, S.e. Abdullahi . Balancing Query Performance and Security on Relational Cloud Database: An Architecture. International Journal of Computer Applications. 118, 15 ( May 2015), 34-39. DOI=10.5120/20825-3473

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Data outsourcing has become a trend in the information technology industry because it offers scalability to the enormous amount of digital content stored and generated on a daily basis by individuals and corporations. Of significance, is the security and privacy of the data outsourced to cloud servers when at rest and on transit. This challenge can be addressed by encrypting data before outsourcing in other to insure its privacy from internal and external intruders. Encryption implies a sacrifice of functionality for security. Querying encrypted data is performed by decrypting the entire data before retrieval. This leads to performance degradation. While several architectures, techniques and tools have been proffered to ensure that security and performance are balanced and optimized, each of these approaches has its limitations. We propose a novel framework based on the hash map principle, that enhances the security and performance of cloud database by reducing client SQL query response time on encrypted data without limiting the type of queries performed or compromising the security of data. Also, a performance analysis of the traditional method as compared with the proposed method is done using varying number of records.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud Database Security Hash Map Query Processing Data Encryption DaaS Relational Database.