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Reseach Article

Cloud Centric IoT Framework for Supply Chain Management

by Prashant Satpute, Aarti Mohanpukar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 118 - Number 15
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Prashant Satpute, Aarti Mohanpukar

Prashant Satpute, Aarti Mohanpukar . Cloud Centric IoT Framework for Supply Chain Management. International Journal of Computer Applications. 118, 15 ( May 2015), 19-22. DOI=10.5120/20822-3446

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Cloud computing is aimed at providing IT as a service to the cloud users on-demand basis with greater flexibility, scalability, reliability and availability with utility computing model. This new ideal model of computing has a tremendous potential in it to be utilized as a part of the agriculture furthermore in rural improvement viewpoint in creating nations like India. There are some crucial issues to be solved to successfully deploy cloud computing for these social purposes. With the development of Cloud Computing and its consequent popularity, the service providers are coming up with extremely exposition and reasonable answers for the end clients. This innovation is anticipated to bring progressive changes to the agriculture division. Supply chains are progressively virtualized with the goal of building a synchronizing supply with interest aggressive framework, synchronizing supply with demand competitive infrastructure, creating net value and measuring performance. This paper concentrates on how Cloud Computing idea improves virtualization of supply chains in agribusiness segment. Farmers can get most advance grade cultivating and virtualization of supply chains systems, additionally track and check the entire methodology from production, distribution to consumption.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud Computing Supply Chain Management Internet of Things Virtual Commerce Agriculture.