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Image Inpainting - A Review of the Underlying Different Algorithms and Comparative Study of the Inpainting Techniques

by Kaushikkumar R. Patel, Lalit Jain, Ankurkumar G.patel
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 118 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Kaushikkumar R. Patel, Lalit Jain, Ankurkumar G.patel

Kaushikkumar R. Patel, Lalit Jain, Ankurkumar G.patel . Image Inpainting - A Review of the Underlying Different Algorithms and Comparative Study of the Inpainting Techniques. International Journal of Computer Applications. 118, 10 ( May 2015), 32-38. DOI=10.5120/20784-3422

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Inpainting also known as retouching is the process by which we try to fill in the damaged or missing portions of an image in such a way that it is unable for the person seeing the image to find the fault within the image. Digital Image In painting, a relatively young research area is an art of filling in the missing or corrupted regions in an image using information from the neighboring pixels in a visually plausible manner, while restoring its unity. It is helpfully used for object removal in digital photographs, image reconstruction, text removal, video restoration, special effects in movie discussions and so on. There are numbers of method used for image inpainting. All methods have their own advantage and disadvantages. This paper presents a comparative study and review of different image in painting techniques. The algorithms are analyzed theoretically as well as experimentally.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Inpainting Texture Structure Image Occlusion Object Removal Algorithm Exemplar