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Analyzing the Behavioral Changes of Road User through Euclidean Distance Intuitionistic Fuzzy Valued Associative Memories

by A. Victor Devadoss, S.m.a. Shahul Hameed
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 118 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: A. Victor Devadoss, S.m.a. Shahul Hameed

A. Victor Devadoss, S.m.a. Shahul Hameed . Analyzing the Behavioral Changes of Road User through Euclidean Distance Intuitionistic Fuzzy Valued Associative Memories. International Journal of Computer Applications. 118, 10 ( May 2015), 23-27. DOI=10.5120/20782-3416

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%T Analyzing the Behavioral Changes of Road User through Euclidean Distance Intuitionistic Fuzzy Valued Associative Memories
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Driving Safely is a primary issue in all developing countries around the world. It alarms towards drivers attitude and behavior changes towards road safety. The main objective of this paper is to introduce a new multi expert fuzzy model called Euclidean Distance Intuitionistic Fuzzy Valued Associative Memories (EDIFVAM) . In this paper we analyze the correlation between the causes and effects of human health problems and human errors on roads that makes destruction on road safety was illustrated using EDIFVAM. The paper was constituted into five section with introduction to the problem , preliminaries to intuitionistics fuzzy sets and fuzzy associative memories , introduction to EDIFVAM ,adaptation of problem to EDIFVAM , and conclusion and suggestion based on the study.

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  12. A. Victor Devadoss and S. M. A. Shahul Hameed, 2013 A Study of Attitude of Road User Using in Enhancing Gross National Happiness Combined Fuzzy Cognitive Maps(CFCMs) International Journal of Data Mining Techniques and Application ,Vol. 2, pp. 193 - 197.
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Intuitionistic fuzzy values Associative memories Road safety Human health problems Human errors and EDIFVAM