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Host-based Implementation of NICE-A in Cloud Computing's Virtual Network

by Amit Patel, Alekh Dwivedi, Vineet Richariya
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 118 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Amit Patel, Alekh Dwivedi, Vineet Richariya

Amit Patel, Alekh Dwivedi, Vineet Richariya . Host-based Implementation of NICE-A in Cloud Computing's Virtual Network. International Journal of Computer Applications. 118, 1 ( May 2015), 29-35. DOI=10.5120/20712-3031

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To ride the tide of change which is inevitable, innovations are necessary. By using the concept of virtualization most of enterprises are trying to reduce their computing cost. This demand of reducing the computing cost has led to the innovation of Cloud Computing. Nowadays organizations recognized cloud for it different attractive property such as economically attractive and use it to host their services. So that their services available easily and economically to their users. But also many organization put security in their top concern before adopting the cloud service. One of the most significant problem that associated with cloud computing is cloud security that drawn a lot of analysis and research within past few years. Inside the cloud system, especially the Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds, the actual prognosis associated with zombie exploration problems is exceedingly hard. This is because cloud users might deploy somewhat insecure purposes on the exclusive products. NICE is a Network Intrusion detection and Countermeasure selection in virtual network systems (NICE) design to establish an intrusion detection framework which is defense-in-depth in nature. Into the intrusion detection processes an attack graph analytical procedures is incorporated by NICE for better attack detection. In this paper we proposed to implement NICE-A as a host based agent instead network based so the data delivery time between sender and intended destination is saved as NICE-A is implemented in destination (which is cloud server in our case) and for large amount of data this definitely shows improvement in computation time. Moreover as NICE-A is implemented as host based so CPU utilization is also improved.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud Computing virtualization Intrusion Detection cloud security NICE NICE-A