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Security and Verification of Data in Multi-Cloud Storage with Provable Data Possession

by Vrushali K Gaikwad, Ramesh Kagalkar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 117 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Vrushali K Gaikwad, Ramesh Kagalkar

Vrushali K Gaikwad, Ramesh Kagalkar . Security and Verification of Data in Multi-Cloud Storage with Provable Data Possession. International Journal of Computer Applications. 117, 5 ( May 2015), 10-13. DOI=10.5120/20549-2924

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Data integrity verification is one of the biggest security issue in cloud. To check integrity of data Provable data possession is one of the method available. In this paper, we have created an efficient PDP method for distributed cloud storage, in which we multiple cloud service providers are maintaining and storing client's data in cooperative way. This cooperatively working PDP method is based on indexing hierarchy & homomorphic variable response method. The security of our scheme is based on trusted third party auditor and structure of zero-awareness proof , which can fulfill reliability of awareness, completeness, and properties.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Multiple Cloud Cooperative Provable Data Possession Homomorphic Variable Reply Zero awareness Cloud Storage Security.