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Analysis and Comparison of Modified LAR1 (MYLAR1) Routing Protocol with LAR1, OLSR INRIA, DSR, ZRP, and OSPF v2

by Aakash Jasper, Rajeev Paulus, A.k. Jaiswal
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 117 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Aakash Jasper, Rajeev Paulus, A.k. Jaiswal

Aakash Jasper, Rajeev Paulus, A.k. Jaiswal . Analysis and Comparison of Modified LAR1 (MYLAR1) Routing Protocol with LAR1, OLSR INRIA, DSR, ZRP, and OSPF v2. International Journal of Computer Applications. 117, 4 ( May 2015), 20-23. DOI=10.5120/20543-2911

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title = { Analysis and Comparison of Modified LAR1 (MYLAR1) Routing Protocol with LAR1, OLSR INRIA, DSR, ZRP, and OSPF v2 },
journal = { International Journal of Computer Applications },
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%A Aakash Jasper
%A Rajeev Paulus
%A A.k. Jaiswal
%T Analysis and Comparison of Modified LAR1 (MYLAR1) Routing Protocol with LAR1, OLSR INRIA, DSR, ZRP, and OSPF v2
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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In our previous work we created a new ad hoc routing protocol MYLAR1, by modifying LAR1 routing protocol. The previous work showed that MYLAR1 routing protocol showed better performance as compared to LAR1 routing protocol in performance parameters such as: end to end delay, throughput, jitter and packets received without error. This paper discusses the comparison of MYLAR1 with other ad hoc routing protocols such as OLSR INRIA, DSR, ZRP, OSPF v2 and original LAR1 routing protocol. The results show that MYLAR1 routing protocol performs better as compared to other ad hoc routing protocols. QualNet 6. 1 Network Simulator is used to simulate the proposed work.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences
