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A Study and Comparison of NIR Hyperspectral Imaging and Other Emerging Biometric Techniques in Security System

by Neeraj Pratap, Shwetank, Vikesh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 116 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Neeraj Pratap, Shwetank, Vikesh

Neeraj Pratap, Shwetank, Vikesh . A Study and Comparison of NIR Hyperspectral Imaging and Other Emerging Biometric Techniques in Security System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 116, 6 ( April 2015), 1-6. DOI=10.5120/20337-1751

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Different human body parts such as eyes, veins, voices, face, fingers etc. have been considered for the biometrics system. Even the typing style and signature of human being have been the part of biometrics. To satisfy the different needs of the global market, different numbers of biometric techniques have been considered with the several advantages as compared to the others technique. However, still today, no such technique able to completely satisfy the needs of current security system. Due to this the researchers continuously making their efforts and skills to produce the newer methods that will benefit a more to the security stage as compared to the traditional one. The use of hyperspectral imaging and the development of skin spectral curves has proved a vital significance in the security system. The objective of this paper is to study the hyperspectral imaging and other latest emerging biometric techniques for the security system.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Biometrics Emerging biometrics Human recognition/ veri?cation