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Software Design Framework for Healthcare Systems

by Samir K Amin, Dinesh Kumar Saini, Yazan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 116 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Samir K Amin, Dinesh Kumar Saini, Yazan

Samir K Amin, Dinesh Kumar Saini, Yazan . Software Design Framework for Healthcare Systems. International Journal of Computer Applications. 116, 4 ( April 2015), 47-54. DOI=10.5120/20328-2507

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Healthcare is costing lot of money and resources all over the world in all countries; it consumes almost 30-40 percent of their budget in the healthcare industry. The only solution is to make this health care industry automated and online. In this paper we are proposing a software design framework for health care systems which will be based on agent technologies. The proposed system is based on Artificial Intelligence techniques that can support the user for selection and making choices. The proposed software framework suggested that Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) is the most suitable technique for designing such systems. MAS collaborate intelligently for solving this complex problem. Patients can be supported remotely using the proposed framework so that it can reduce the patient load on hospitals, the proposed software framework operate on real time framework. Computing can help in improving the communication process between follow-up doctors and nurses with patients by making appointments the process easier, according to patient preference with a reminder on necessary actions such as taking scheduled prescribed medicine, engaging in exercises, avoiding some kinds of food and harmful habits such as smoking before and after patient.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Agent Technology Multi Agent System Communication Technologies Health Informatics Healthcare Process Collaboration Technologies.