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A Comprehensive Study of Passive Digital Image Forensics Techniques based on Intrinsic Fingerprints

by Ajit Singh, Jyoti Malik
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 116 - Number 19
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Ajit Singh, Jyoti Malik

Ajit Singh, Jyoti Malik . A Comprehensive Study of Passive Digital Image Forensics Techniques based on Intrinsic Fingerprints. International Journal of Computer Applications. 116, 19 ( April 2015), 16-21. DOI=10.5120/20444-2794

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Over the past decade digital images has become a very popular way to communicate, store and process information. With the rapid advancement and easy availability of technology, there is a flood of devices that are able to capture, store and create digital images. Over the past years image processing techniques have been developed that makes it really easy to tamper images. From journalism to social media edited images are appearing everywhere with increasing frequency. Authentication of images is very necessary as visual data effects what people perceive and believe. Digital image Forensics is an emerging field that uses intrinsic and extrinsic methods to authenticate digital images. Passive techniques extract and analyze inherent patterns introduced by various image processing steps and use these artifacts to associate the image with source device as well as to detect tampering of the digital images. This paper gives an overview of passive techniques of Digital Image Forensics which are based on intrinsic fingerprints inherent in digital images.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Digital Image Forensics Digital Watermarking Forgery detection Intrinsic Fingerprints Passive Blind Image Forensics Source Identification.