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Reseach Article

Utilizing Effective Way of Sketches for Content-Based Image Retrieval System

by Dipalee J. Fendarkar, A. K. Gulve
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 116 - Number 15
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Dipalee J. Fendarkar, A. K. Gulve

Dipalee J. Fendarkar, A. K. Gulve . Utilizing Effective Way of Sketches for Content-Based Image Retrieval System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 116, 15 ( April 2015), 23-28. DOI=10.5120/20412-2795

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title = { Utilizing Effective Way of Sketches for Content-Based Image Retrieval System },
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%A A. K. Gulve
%T Utilizing Effective Way of Sketches for Content-Based Image Retrieval System
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%D 2015
%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

This paper reviews the development of content based image retrieval system (CBIR) and sketch based image retrieval system (SBIR). In this paper, we present the problems and challenges concerned with the design and the creation of CBIR systems, which is based on a free hand sketch (i. e. SBIR). The use of the existing methods, describe a possible results, how to design and implement a task specific descriptor, which can handle the informational gap between a sketch a colored image to make an opportunity for the efficient search. The CBIR system first computes the similarity between the query and the images stored in the database. This paper outlines a description of primitive features of images like textures, colors and shapes. The review of the feature extraction, feature based matching and indexing which represent the base of retrieving images and it allows the comparison of database images with queries containing various levels of detail, thanks to a hierarchical representation of the database images. In this paper, we create the mosaic of the images and compared the methods of matching sketches descriptor.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Content Analysis and Indexing Indexing methods Digital Images Image Descriptors K-means algorithm Image Database.