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Reseach Article

A Snapshot of Black Hole Attack Detection in MANET

by Moirangthem Marjit Singh, Ankita Singh, Jyotsana Kumar Mandal
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 116 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Moirangthem Marjit Singh, Ankita Singh, Jyotsana Kumar Mandal

Moirangthem Marjit Singh, Ankita Singh, Jyotsana Kumar Mandal . A Snapshot of Black Hole Attack Detection in MANET. International Journal of Computer Applications. 116, 14 ( April 2015), 23-26. DOI=10.5120/20406-2759

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%A Jyotsana Kumar Mandal
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Black hole attack is a very common type of security attack found in Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET). In Black hole attack, the malicious node attracts all the data packets towards it using some false means and affects the data transmission in many ways, such as dropping of the packets. Black hole attack is vulnerable to security in MANET routing protocol. The paper focuses to provide a snapshot on various methods of detecting black hole attack in MANET and critically reviews them.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Network security Black hole attacks MANET