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SPV and Mutation based Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Travelling Salesman Problem

by Ashay Shrivastava, Manish Gupta, Shashank Swami
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 116 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Ashay Shrivastava, Manish Gupta, Shashank Swami

Ashay Shrivastava, Manish Gupta, Shashank Swami . SPV and Mutation based Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Travelling Salesman Problem. International Journal of Computer Applications. 116, 14 ( April 2015), 19-22. DOI=10.5120/20405-2753

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Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm is an optimization algorithm used to find out the global optima. In ABC, each bee stores the information of feasible solution or candidate solution and stochastically modifies this over time, based on the information provided by neighboring bees, it speculative modifies over time and based on the best solution found by the bee itself. . In this proposed work, enhanced ABC algorithm with SPV for travelling salesman problem is used. In this modified bee colony algorithm, additional phase in the form of mutation is used after the scout bee phase and the SPV rule is used in this work for improving local search. After modification, proposed algorithm is implemented on standard travelling salesman problem for checking the efficiency of proposed work. The experimental results are compared with ABC algorithm and ABC with SPV algorithm.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Artificial Bee Colony ABC Genetic Algorithm Mutation SPV Swarm Intelligence.