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Design of a Compact Dual Band Microstrip Antenna for Ku-Band Applications

by Ahmed Sayed, R.s. Ghonam, Abdelhalim Zekry
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 115 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Ahmed Sayed, R.s. Ghonam, Abdelhalim Zekry

Ahmed Sayed, R.s. Ghonam, Abdelhalim Zekry . Design of a Compact Dual Band Microstrip Antenna for Ku-Band Applications. International Journal of Computer Applications. 115, 13 ( April 2015), 11-14. DOI=10.5120/20210-2473

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title = { Design of a Compact Dual Band Microstrip Antenna for Ku-Band Applications },
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%A Abdelhalim Zekry
%T Design of a Compact Dual Band Microstrip Antenna for Ku-Band Applications
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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A new design of dual band compact microstrip antenna is proposed for Ku-band applications. Dual band is achieved using three pairs of thin slits from the sides of a rectangular patch and feeding with a microstrip feed line. The result shows that a return loss of -32. 9dB is achieved at the first resonant frequency of 12. 72GHz, and -14. 4dB is obtained at the second resonant frequency of 14. 4GHz frequency with VSWR ? 2indicating improved matching conditions. The results ofsimulation are return loss, radiation pattern, VSWR, and band widtharepresented. The design is performed by using Ready-madeSoftware package Zeland- IE3D. The antenna is fabricated using thin film and photolithographic technique and measured using the Vector Network Analyzer. The final result shows that good agreement between the simulated and measured results.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Microstrip antenna Ku-band Dual band