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Reseach Article

Future Challenging Issues in Location based Services

by Amit Kumar Tyagi, N.sreenath
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 114 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Amit Kumar Tyagi, N.sreenath

Amit Kumar Tyagi, N.sreenath . Future Challenging Issues in Location based Services. International Journal of Computer Applications. 114, 5 ( March 2015), 51-56. DOI=10.5120/19978-1921

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The fast advances of mobile devices and positioning technologies has led to the flourish of Location-Based Services (LBS), in that people want to enjoy wireless services everywhere like in hotels, colleges, etc. LBS, the branch of computer program level services used in various fields and support, the application are broadly classified as Maps and Navigation, Information service, Tracking service, Social networking, Games, Vehicular navigation and Advertising etc. Now a days, LBSs attract millions of mobile users for example include POI finders such as Qype, which help the users to find the next POI such as bars or cinemas, and enrich the provided information. But during this communication, Security and Privacy of personal location information (of LBSs users) is becoming an increasingly important issue for future. So concerning it (privacy) as an important issue, discusses several privacy preserving location issues for vehicular (mobile) users (since knowledge of a vehicle's location can result in leakage of sensitive information). Location privacy for mobile users is mainly determined into two levels such as internally by a device or externally by systems and kind of networks with which the device interrelates. Users wish to maintain the vehicle's information is known only to those legally authorized to have access to them and remain unknown to anybody unauthorized. Hence the purpose and contribution of this paper is to discussed about various privacy and challenges issues in LBSs increasing in future that have not been published in the any research journal so far.

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Location Privacy Location Based Services (LBSs) Security