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Integrating Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence Processes for Empowering Government Business Organizations

by Herison Surbakti
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 114 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Herison Surbakti

Herison Surbakti . Integrating Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence Processes for Empowering Government Business Organizations. International Journal of Computer Applications. 114, 5 ( March 2015), 36-43. DOI=10.5120/19976-1874

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Emergence of information technologies has transformed the way business marketing is done and how business enterprises are managing the resources and information. Trend of globalization has induced the fierce competitiveness among business enterprises within domestic and international markets. The major quest for the technologies is not limited to strategic value of an organization but also empower the organization work context by utilizing its resources. Knowledge management has emerged as the latest techno-management trend for improving the work process and creating value for business organization operations. Knowledge management offers various techno-managerial implications to business organization for strategic development. However, there are scarce evidences on business intelligence, strategic management decision support related to business organization adopting these offerings. Major objective of Business Intelligence is to extract the information and find the hidden knowledge from all sources of data. Business Intelligence offers to make decision for enhancement of any organizations goal. The broad overview of research articulates an understanding of government based organizations about the adoption of Knowledge management based Business Intelligence solutions and its challenges. Data mining is playing a key role in Knowledge Management based systems for business organizations and its implication lies in the implementation of data mining algorithm for exploring the huge amount of data, which determines the pure knowledge. Majority of the government organizational data remains in either unstructured form such as raw form of data (i. e. internal or external document) or with its employees in the form of experience. Knowledge management process deals with extraction of both tacit and explicit knowledge of organization for improving the performance of organization. However Business Intelligence (BI) on the other hand gained its importance with constant enhancement in technologies and tools for extracting the hidden knowledge and patterns. Hence it can be argued that both Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management are complimentary to each other for extracting and managing the knowledge. Thus it's very imperative for government organizations to have an integration of both Knowledge Management (KM) and Business Intelligence (BI) processes for enhancing the performance of the organization with respect to make organization decision for competitive environment and utilizing the organizational tacit knowledge. The paper focuses on how BI and KM integration affect the government business organization while discussing its implementation challenges. The paper tries to analyze the correlation between Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence and exploring a road map for data mining based framework for Knowledge Management focusing government based organizations. Current situation of knowledge management strategic decision making and role of knowledge must need to be addressed before proposing any framework for government organization. Paper provides a detailed extensive literature review which aims to describe the basics of Knowledge Management based systems and integrating Business Intelligence with Knowledge Management. Study will draw a distinction between individual and organizational knowledge as well as whether knowledge is playing a key role in strategic development or not?

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Knowledge Management (KM) Business Intelligence (BI) Data Mining Knowledge Data Warehouse