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Reseach Article

Digital Chain of Custody: State of The Art

by Yudi Prayudi, Azhari Sn
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 114 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Yudi Prayudi, Azhari Sn

Yudi Prayudi, Azhari Sn . Digital Chain of Custody: State of The Art. International Journal of Computer Applications. 114, 5 ( March 2015), 1-9. DOI=10.5120/19971-1856

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Digital forensics starts to show its role and contribution in the society as a solution in disclosure of cybercrime. The essential in digital forensics is chain of custody, which is an attempt to preserve the integrity of digital evidence as well as a procedure for performing documentation chronologically toward evidence. The characteristics of digital evidence have caused the handling chain of custody is becoming more complicated and complex. A number of researchers have contributed to provide solutions for the digital chain custody through a different point of views. This paper gives an overview of the extent to which the problem and challenges are faced in the digital chain of custody issue as well as the scope of researches that can be done to contribute in the issue of the digital chain of custody.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Digital Forensics Digital Evidence Chain of Custody Cybercrime