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Efficient Storage Management over Cloud using Data Compression without Losing Searching Capacity

by Amitkumar P Gohil, Amish Desai
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 114 - Number 15
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Amitkumar P Gohil, Amish Desai

Amitkumar P Gohil, Amish Desai . Efficient Storage Management over Cloud using Data Compression without Losing Searching Capacity. International Journal of Computer Applications. 114, 15 ( March 2015), 1-6. DOI=10.5120/20051-1707

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Nowadays due to social media, people may communicate with each other, share their thoughts and moments of life in form of texts, images or videos. We are uploading our private data in terms of photos, videos, and documents on internet websites like Facebook, Whatsapp, Google+ and Youtube etc. In short today world is surrounded with large volume of data in different form. This put a requirement for effective management of these billions of terabytes of electronic data generally called BIG DATA. Handling large data sets is a major challenge for data centers. The only solution for this problem is to add as many hard disk as required. But if the data is kept in unformatted the requirement of hard disk will be very high. Cloud technology in today is becoming popular but efficient storage management for large volume of data on cloud still there is a big question. Many frameworks are available to address this problem. Hadoop is one of them. Hadoop provides an efficient way to store and retrieve large volume of data. But Hadoop is efficient only if the file containing data is large enough. Basically Hadoop uses a big hard disk block to store data. And this makes it inefficient in the area where volume to data is large but individual file is small. To satisfy both challenges to store large volume of data in less space. And to store small unit of file without wasting the space. We require to store data not is usual form but in compressed form so that we can keep the block size small. But if we do so it added one more dimension of problem. Searching the content in a compressed file is very in-efficient. Therefore we require an efficient algorithm which compress the file without disturbing the search capacity of the data center. Here we will provide the way how we can solve these challenges.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud Big DATA Hadoop Data Compression MapReduce