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Enhance the Efficiency Routing between Mobile Nodes in MANET Networks

by Omar Almomani, Radwan S. Abujassar, Tareq Alhmiedat
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 114 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Omar Almomani, Radwan S. Abujassar, Tareq Alhmiedat

Omar Almomani, Radwan S. Abujassar, Tareq Alhmiedat . Enhance the Efficiency Routing between Mobile Nodes in MANET Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 114, 1 ( March 2015), 29-35. DOI=10.5120/19944-1740

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This paper evaluates the performance of the OLSR pro-active protocol with and without backup routes under varying node densities and with different speed movements in the network. Additionally, this paper assists in ascertaining the effect of varying node densities on the connectivity's life between mobile nodes in the network. Hence, it showed the affect of a local recovery mechanism resulted in achieving a significant improvement in network performance by seeking a long life backup path between source and destination for low/high density nodes. Real time applications are required to be supported by mobile ad hoc networks. This is because of the free movement for the mobile nodes from one area to another without any notification via frequent paths. The real time applications traffics are considered a sensitive application, and it is the most affected by failure through the occurrence of delay and loss of packets. It is, therefore, not suitable for use by players. In mobile ad hoc networks, routing protocol functions are based on many factors, such as, node mobility and density and broken paths

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Link state ART (Alternative Routing Table Mitigation Fault