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A New Simple Non-Expansion Algorithm for (2,2) - Visual Secret Sharing Scheme

by Abdul-gabbar Tarish Al-tamimi, Abdullah Gaafar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 113 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Abdul-gabbar Tarish Al-tamimi, Abdullah Gaafar

Abdul-gabbar Tarish Al-tamimi, Abdullah Gaafar . A New Simple Non-Expansion Algorithm for (2,2) - Visual Secret Sharing Scheme. International Journal of Computer Applications. 113, 3 ( March 2015), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/19803-1592

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Visual cryptography (VC) is a powerful encryption technique which combines perfect secrecy and secret sharing in cryptography with respect to images. VC takes a binary image (the secret) and divides it into two or more pieces known as shares (transparencies). When the shares are superimposed, the secret can be recovered. One of the distinguishing features of VC is that it needs no computational power for decryption. All what VC needs for decryption is the human visual system (the human eye). Two main factors affect the quality of a visual cryptography scheme; the pixel expansion and the contrast. In this papers we propose a new simple non-expansion algorithm for (2,2)-visual secret sharing scheme (VSS). The shares produced by this algorithm and the reconstructed image are not expanded in size, and all have the same size as the original (secret) image. It encodes the original (secret) image a 4-pixel blockwise to 4-pixel blocks in each share.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Visual Cryptography Pixel Non-Expansion Visual Decryption Secret Sharing