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Reseach Article

Extended Term tXSchema uses SAX Parsing Partially

by Ratnaparkhi Punam S, S.e.pawar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 113 - Number 16
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Ratnaparkhi Punam S, S.e.pawar

Ratnaparkhi Punam S, S.e.pawar . Extended Term tXSchema uses SAX Parsing Partially. International Journal of Computer Applications. 113, 16 ( March 2015), 31-37. DOI=10.5120/19914-2043

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%T Extended Term tXSchema uses SAX Parsing Partially
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World Wide Web Consortium recommendation for XML Schema illustrates the structure and data types of XML document. tXSchema could be a framework for the creation and validation of time variable documents. All parts of tXSchema changes over time to replicate changes reference world of information. tXSchema could be a model for making temporal Schema from base Schema, logical and Physical Annotations. We also describe how the validator can be extended (temporal validator) to validate documents in this seeming uncertain situation of data that vary across time while its corresponding schema and even its representation are also varies. Since many applications require to keep tracks of the Schema, data evaluation, which suggested a need of versioning. When system is working with huge versions of schema as well as xml data files here we are specially focusing on how to minimize processing time by using SAX parser's partial involvement with conventional DOM parser. In this paper we deal with versioning in tXSchema model, more precisely here we propose a set of Schema change primitive for the maintenance of logical and physical annotations and define their operational perspectives and also minimizes processing time.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


XML Schema Temporal Database Physical Annotations Logical Annotations XML constraints XML validation.