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A Real Time Host and Network Mobile Agent based Intrusion Detection System (HNMAIDS)

by Abhijit Dwivedi, Y.k.rana, B.p.patel
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 113 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Abhijit Dwivedi, Y.k.rana, B.p.patel

Abhijit Dwivedi, Y.k.rana, B.p.patel . A Real Time Host and Network Mobile Agent based Intrusion Detection System (HNMAIDS). International Journal of Computer Applications. 113, 12 ( March 2015), 33-40. DOI=10.5120/19881-1895

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title = { A Real Time Host and Network Mobile Agent based Intrusion Detection System (HNMAIDS) },
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Computer security is to detect or prevent the process of collecting information or unauthorized access to computers. Detection is a recognition process which helps us to determine if someone tried to enter our system that have been successful, however, and what can be done. Prevention measures help us to pursue unauthorized users called as intruders from accessing any part of the computer system. Computer is being used for everything from banking and investment, businesses to communicate with others via email or messenger programs. Although It may not consider communications top secret, It probably do not want strangers reading email, using computer to attack or intrusion other systems, sending forged messages or email from computer, or examining personal information stored on our computer (such as financial statements). Intruders (also referred to as attackers, crackers) may not care about our identity. Often, they want to take control of the computer, so you can use it to launch attacks on the computer systems. So, they (attackers) hide the control of our computers from their true lease and launch attacks or intrusions, often against very high-profile computer systems like government or financial systems. This research is the study on computer security using proposed A Real Time Host and Network Mobile Agent based Intrusion Detection System (HNMAIDS) which will enhance efficiency as compare earlier agent based intrusion detection system. An Agent based intrusion detection system is intended to detect suspicious behavior on the network/host through agent, where agent will send an alerts signal to the network administrators and so an administrator can prevent intrusions as well as attacks. Presented results are showing the performance of the proposed HNMAIDS.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Agent Based Network security(NS) Layers Attacks Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) Host Intrusion Detection System (HIDS).